There are many numbers of monkeys here, they are a very common sight, leaping from tree to tree or climbing the housetops.
They are a restless race with bulky bodies and black faces, though some have a red or a whitish tinge in the colour of their faces. It is a very funny spectacle to see their females clutching their little ones close under their bellies and jumping or their kids engaged in a hot quarrel.
They never molest the passersby though in some of them familiarity with mankind generates such an effrontery that they enter the houses and lay their hands on any thing they choose under the very nose of the occupants.
However, while walking on Matheran roads, just be careful and don't carry any type of bag in hands they may attack you assuming it as a food. Local peoples suggest tourist to carry “Pandhari Stick” (Pandhari is the kind of tree found in Matheran) for safety.