At Matheran you will be relax, Rested and Rejuvenating. Really this is the effect of Matheran atmosphere, which you will be experienced. It is crown placed in sahyadri hill Ranges, at 2400 feet above sea level. You will find deep forest and Red mud road at Matheran and for transportation you can walk, can hire Horse or Rickshaw pullers.
Today in the 21st Century where Car, bike and Automobile became your life partner, even after doctor’s suggestion you can not walk and breathe out of your Vehicle. We found that in the whole world, pollutions in the cities can not be controlled at any level. But the Matheran is calm! Calm!! Calm!!! Matheran is not just the city which left behind, but also the dissonance of traffic.
It’s damn sure, 100% one will not hear even one single horn any where in Matheran. Cars, Bikes and any Automobile are not allowed up here. All the vehicles have to be park at Dasturi Naka, which 3 kms outside the main street of Matheran and this is the uniqueness of Matheran city. For such, Matheran is the only place in Asia and one of among the few places in the world.
The forest ecosystem at Matheran is unique and remarkable in many respects - its dense and lofty arboreal growth, peculiar blending of evergreen and moist deciduous species and moreover a high percentage of endemism and almost undisturbed natural climatic climax formations.
Black-berries called Jambhuls in Marathi are abundant here. They are deep black in colour and very sweet in taste, though they are much smaller in-size compared to what we find in other places like Poona or Satara and other part of Maharashtra. Matheran’s honey has a reputation of its own. It is found in three or four different Varieties. Besides these, Mangoes also are obtainable during the season and also jack fruit and smaller Black-berries-known as karvand in the vernacular.
Any visitor to Matheran, if he keeps his pair of eyes open, will come across several typical trees, little shrubs, wild vegetables, flowering plants and also some plants imported from a far for purposes of decoration. It is not possible to give a detailed description of each and every one of them. Yet we cannot pass on without briefly mentioning those that are more-common and more characteristic.The most common trees here are Anjani and Kadu Jambhul (also called Par Jambhul)
Hirda: This is more abundantly found to the Garbut Point side; It has medical properties and it can also be used for manufacturing ink.
Kumbal: The fruit of this are used to kill fish & rats.
Shikekai: These can well be substituted for washing soaps.
Pangli: The roots and juice of leaves is a very effective antidote for scorpion poison.
Dinda: This acts as a good cure for swelling
Panphuti: is used against the guinea worms.
Kombadnakhi: This derives its name from its roots which closely resemble the hen's nails, and used' for healing up wounds, and against scorpion bite.
Dagadful & Tamalpatra : These are very good constituents for the spices which ' are so dear to the Indian palate.
Dudhvel: This is a very elective blood purifier.Makadi: This is very nice for fomenting purposes in the case of fractures of bone.
Kharwat: This may used as a substitute for sand paper.Bhuta: This might serve as a smelling salt.
Agaswel: Have medical qualities. The latter is found near the lake.
Ragatrod: Both have medical qualities. The latter is found near the lake.
Lokhandi: Its flowers have a nice fragrance.
Kokamb: The fruit of this tree is very useful in many ways, the skin of the fruit is turned after many operation into a kind of spice called "Amsol" which is frequently used in curries.
Karvi: The branches of this are very much used in making thatches for poor men's cottages.
Pandhari: It is very difficult to procure straight branches of this tree. The stick of this tree is very weighty and people believe that it keeps away all evil spirits.
Pisa: It is in no way attractive in appearance. But its leaves have considerable tonic properties. Its leaves should be dried & powdered and taken every morning in boiled milk.
Besides these there are found various kinds of berries which are as sweet in the inside pulp as they are humble in the outward appearance.Mangos and Jackfruit are available and honey combs also can be found at Malet springand Hart Point side.
Whenever we visit a Point and sit in its thick shade the notes of the cuckoo and the Bulbul and various other birds provide heavenly music to our ears. The thicknesses of the trees hide the musicians from our view. But we crave to have a look at them. Matheran shows us numerous varieties of birds, which never meet our eyes in the cities, exhibiting different hues, different sizes and different voices, some sweet and some shrill.
The Cuckoo : This is the Prince of all singing birds, and is heard singing all day during the monsoon.
The Bulbul: This is also a favorite singing bird, and is very frequently found giving out its sweet notes on the way from the Louisa to the Porcupine Point at evening time.
There are many other birds also which seem to carry on a conversation with each other, one bird calling and another answering in a different tune.
Other birds are known, not for their voice, but for the beauty of their feathers. The most prominent amongst .these are the sunbird, the Robinson, the spotted Dove, the Parrot, the purple Honey sucker, and the Shriek. Shikra is a peculiar bird changing its colour now and again. His nest is a wonderful affair that might set even the best engineers thinking and his are said to possess medical properties.
The crow is markedly a rare bird here.
Wild Animals
Lions and panthers are hardly found here.
Monkeys: There are many numbers of monkeys here they are a very common sight, leaping from tree to tree or climbing the housetops. They are a restless race with bulky bodies and black faces, though" some have a red or a whitish tinge in the colour of their faces. It is a very funny spectacle to see their females clutching their little ones close under their bellies and jumping or their "Baba Lok" engaged in a hot quarrel. They never molest the passers by, though in some of them familiarity with mankind generates such an effrontery that they enter the houses and lay their hands on any thing they choose under the very nose of the occupants.
Horses are many in Matheran few are using for transportation for luggage and other are for visitors traveling. There are around 500 Horses in Matheran.