"I am proud of that hill, because it has verified all my ideas of its name." – Mr.MALET.“It would be difficult to discover on the map of the world a spot so endowed with refreshment, health and peace. The climate of Matheran is absolutely free from all suspicion of malaria” - Dr. J. P. BAEEY.“All persons jaded by work or heat, or convalescent from fevers or from other exhausting diseases may spend both the hot and cold seasons at Matheran with advantage.”- SURGEON GENERAL SIR WILLIAM MOORE.“The proximity of the sea air reveals new treasures of ozone and introduces an element of equality and softness which are wanting in the sharp tinicity of the Simla, Mahabaleshwar and Ooty ranges. There is nothing better for old congestions of liver or lungs than exercise which is the best of doctors, to reduce them, and every invalid finds it possible to go in for exercise at Matheran." - Dr. SMITH.''People do not prize what they can get so cheap and thus one of the most beautiful and salubrious hills of India is being gradually abandoned by Europeans through lack of some expostulating voice to point them out the treasures of health that a hill like Matheran pours into their very lap at the cost of three hours journey.- An English doctor."In all Europe you would seek in vain for a climate more balmy than belongs to Matheran. A cool air that does not chill; still air that breeds no draught high air that extulerates without fatiguing; a dry air that knits the tissues and gives buoyancy to the frame and fits it for exertion, an atmosphere in which there is a perennial play of shade and sunshine in whatever proportion the health of man can want; an accessibility which brings all this almost to the door of the busy man as cheaply as to the prince. Where on the face of Europe could we get all these conditions blended in such plenitude!” – TIMES OF INDIA.Jacki Shroff Milind Gunaji